Premium Film by Madico

Premium Film: An extra layer of film applied to glass for:

  • Heat reduction: use less air conditioning; save on your electricity bill.
  • Glare & excess light reduction: softens sunlight while cutting glare
  • UV ray reduction: blocks up to 99% of UV rays; prevents furniture, hardwood floors, drapes and blinds from fading
  • One-way viewing for storefronts & interview rooms
  • Reduces the amount of visible light & glare
  • Highest amount in reflective solar heat
  • Increases guest comfort by avoiding hotspots and inconsistent temperatures in your home or office.
  • Protects your skin from damaging UV rays while indoors too!
  • Helps hold shattered glass in place keeping you safe  from flying glass fragments.
  • Backed by a comprehensive warranty from Medico